Thursday, May 4, 2023

JFC Eliminates BCPL Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands, Senior Accountant Positions

The Joint Finance Committee met today to vote on several agency budgets, including BCPL. While the Committee approved BCPL's request for more supplies and services funding, they rejected their request for increased funding to help fill two vacant positions and instead voted to eliminate those positions.

See below for a full summary of the action.

Secretary of State 

The Committee did not take any action on the Secretary of State budget, so the office will have a base budget (same funding levels as current budget). 

The Governor’s budget would have provided the Secretary of State with $203,500 in 2023-24 and $218,700 in 2024-25 and two new positions for the Office. However, this item was removed from the budget on May 2. 

Board of Commissioners of Public Lands

Vacant Position Elimination: The Committee voted 12-4 to provide BCPL with $11,700 GPR per year to fully fund all currently filled positions and delete the vacant Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands and senior accountant positions, subsequently reducing BCPL funding by $148,400 per year.  The Governor’s budget would have provided an additional $69,400 GPR per year to help fill vacant positions, which BCPL has struggled to fill with the current salary levels.

Democrats offered a motion that would have provided BCPL with $69,400 GPR per year for vacant positions, but it was rejected by the Committee, 4-12. 

Investment and Land Management Expenses: The Committee voted 12-4 to approve the Governor’s proposal to provide BCPL with an additional $65,000 per year for supplies and services. BCPL's expanded investment authority has incurred additional costs for due diligence reporting, investment accounting, and legal work related to new investments. In 2021-22, BCPL expended 98.5% of its supplies and services budget.

Forester Position: The Committee voted 12-4 to provide $52,200 SEG in 2023-24 and $69,500 SEG for 1 forester position to be funded by the conservation fund instead of GPR. The Governor’s budget provided the same amount of funding but through GPR instead of SEG revenue. BCPL's two current forester positions are responsible for managing 77,845 acres. BCPL staff say that the additional position will increase timber harvest revenues for the school trust funds.

State Treasurer 

Increased Resources for the Office: The Committee rejected a motion by Democrats to provide $52,200 in 2023-24 and $69,600 in 2024-25 to create an office manager position. The Office of the State Treasurer has operated with 1.0 position (the State Treasurer) since 2015. The Committee took no other action on the State Treasurer budget, so the office will continue at base (current) funding and staffing levels. 

Educational Communications Board

Vacant Position Elimination: The Committee voted 12-4 to eliminate 2.68 PR positions that have been vacant for 24 months or more.

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