Friday, November 24, 2023

Public Hearing Scheduled on 24-Hour Notification Requirement Bill

The Senate Committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children and Families has scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, November 28 at 11 a.m. on Senate Bill 597, which would require schools to notify a student's parents or guardians of every item they check out from the school library within 24 hours of check out.  The requirement would apply to all students under the age of 16.

In addition, the bill requires schools to notify parents and guardians about whether or not they provide access to BadgerLink. 

Public hearings are an opportunity for members of the public to provide comments on a piece of legislation. After a public hearing is held, the Committee can decide whether or not they want to advance the bill to the Full Senate for a vote. 

If you plan to attend the public hearing, please email 

Link to public hearing notice with full details:

Monday, October 16, 2023

Bill Would Create 24-Hour Parental Notification Requirement for all Materials Checked Out from a School Library

Representative Barb Dittrich (R-Oconomowoc) and Senator Romaine Quinn (R-Cameron) are circulating a draft bill, LRB 2344, which would require schools to notify a student's parents or guardians of every item they check out from the school library within 24 hours of check out.  The requirement would apply to all students under the age of 16.

In addition, the bill requires schools to notify parents and guardians about whether or not they provide access to BadgerLink. 

Another bill, LRB 4776, would create similar check out notification standards for public libraries. 

These bill are currently in the co-sponsorship stage. Other lawmakers have until October 25 to sign on as co-sponsors of the bill, after which it will get an official bill number and be formally introduced. 

WEMTA will keep you updated as this bill progresses through the Legislature. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Youth Social Media Act Introduced

State Representative David Steffen (R-Green Bay) has introduced Assembly Bill 373, which would set requirements that social media companies must follow when it comes to accounts held by minors. 

This would include:

  • Ensuring that all social media accounts created on or after January 1, 2019 are designated as youth accounts (unless the company determines that the account holder is not a minor) 
  • Prohibiting direct messaging between a youth account and any other account that is not linked to the youth account through "friending" or another process where two people add each other as contacts
  • Refraining from showing youth accounts in search results
  • Preventing advertising from being shown to youth accounts 
  • Refraining from using or collecting personal information from a youth account 
  • Refraining from the use of targeted or suggested groups, accounts, users, services, posts and products
  • Ensuring that youth accounts cannot be accessed between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. 
  • Providing information to a parent or guardian of the youth account so they can access the account. Parents could opt their child out of the youth account designation. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Joint Finance Committee Passes DPI Budget

The Joint Finance Committee voted 11-4 along party-lines on June 13 to pass a Department of Public Instruction (DPI) budget that provides an additional $778.5 million in state funds to schools ($837.6 million all funds).  

Included in that list are several items of interest to WEMTA, summarized below. 

Early Literacy and Reading Improvement:The Committee voted 11-4 to place $50 million GPR in the Committee’s supplemental appropriation to fund a literacy program.The Governor’s budget provided $10 million GPR per year to create two new appropriations, including $9.1 million annually to contract with and train literacy coaches to implement a comprehensive program of trainings for educators to improve early literacy and reading outcomes for Wisconsin Students.

Common School Fund Reestimate: :The Committee voted 11-4 to re-estimate Common School Fund revenue by an additional $7 million per year for an estimated $52 million in aids per year. 

Shared School District Services: The Committee voted 11-4 to place $5 million in their supplemental appropriation for shared school district services. The Governor's budget did not include funding for shared services.

Wisconsin Reading Corps (657): The Committee did not approve the Governor’s budget proposal to provide an additional  $1 million in 2023-24 and $2 million in 2024-25 to support literacy tutoring services provided through the Wisconsin Reading Corps. 

The Literacy Lab (657): The Committee did not approve the Governor’s proposal to provide  $75,000 in 2023-24 and $1.3 million in 2024-25 to the Literacy Lab, to provide evidence-based literacy intervention programs in public schools located in Milwaukee and Racine. The organization places trained full-time literacy tutors in elementary schools.

Reach out and Read: The Committee voted 11-4 to provide $500,000 in 2023-24 for Reach out and Read, Inc. to support the integration of books and reading into pediatric care. The Governor’s budget provided $250,000 per year to Reach out and Read, Inc.

Public Library Aid: The Committee voted 11-4 to provide an additional $2 million SEG in 2023-24 and $4 million SEG in 2024-25 to public libraries.The Governor’s budget provided an additional $7 million SEG per year. In 2022-23, public library aid totaled $20,013,100 SEG from the universal service fund

Recollection Wisconsin: The Committee voted 11-4 to approve the Governor’s proposal to provide $150,000 SEG in 2023-24 and $300,000 SEG in 2024-25 for Recollection Wisconsin and to require the State Superintendent to annually distribute the funding to Wisconsin Library Services, Inc to support the digitization of historic materials in public libraries throughout the state.

BadgerLink and Newsline for the Blind: The Committee voted 11-4 to approve the Governor’s budget proposal to provide  an additional $104,000 SEG in 2023-24 and $203,000 SEG in 2024-25 to maintain the current level of services provided through BadgerLink and Newsline for the Blind. 

Library Services Contracts: The Committee voted 11-4 to approve the Governor’s budget proposal to provide an additional $29,800 SEG in 2024-25 to fully fund the cost of the statutorily-required library service contracts. DPI contracts with the Milwaukee Public Library, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library and the Cooperative Children’s Book Center. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Legislation Prohibiting the Use of CSF Dollars for Certain Materials, Allowing Prosecution of School Employees Over Obscene Materials Introduced

Legislation referred to as the "Protect Childhood Innocence" package was introduced in the Wisconsin State Senate this week by Senator Andre Jacque (R-De Pere) and Representative Scott Allen (R-Waukesha). These bills would impact school libraries and school librarians by restricting the use of Common School Fund dollars and allowing for the prosecution of school employees over obscene materials violations. 

In a memo to colleagues, the lawmakers said these bills were introduced because: "Since the pandemic, parents have paid more attention to what material their students are encountering and demanding that their students not encounter sexually explicit material in school."

Prohibitions on CSF Dollars: Senate Bill 304, would prohibit school districts from using Common School Fund dollars to purchase any item that would be considered obscene material under 944.21(2)(c) of state statute, which defines obscene material to mean a writing, picture, film or other recording that:

1. The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find appeals to the prurient interest if take as a whole;
2. Under contemporary community standards, describes or shows sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and
3. Lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value, if taken as a whole. 

Allowing Prosecution of School Employees: Senate Bill 305 would remove public elementary and secondary schools, private schools, and tribal schools from the list of institutions for which an employee is protected from prosecution for an obscene materials violation under 944.21 of Wisconsin statutes, effective August 20, 2024. 

If you have concerns about these bills, you can contact your state senator and state representative. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

JFC Eliminates BCPL Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands, Senior Accountant Positions

The Joint Finance Committee met today to vote on several agency budgets, including BCPL. While the Committee approved BCPL's request for more supplies and services funding, they rejected their request for increased funding to help fill two vacant positions and instead voted to eliminate those positions.

See below for a full summary of the action.

Secretary of State 

The Committee did not take any action on the Secretary of State budget, so the office will have a base budget (same funding levels as current budget). 

The Governor’s budget would have provided the Secretary of State with $203,500 in 2023-24 and $218,700 in 2024-25 and two new positions for the Office. However, this item was removed from the budget on May 2. 

Board of Commissioners of Public Lands

Vacant Position Elimination: The Committee voted 12-4 to provide BCPL with $11,700 GPR per year to fully fund all currently filled positions and delete the vacant Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands and senior accountant positions, subsequently reducing BCPL funding by $148,400 per year.  The Governor’s budget would have provided an additional $69,400 GPR per year to help fill vacant positions, which BCPL has struggled to fill with the current salary levels.

Democrats offered a motion that would have provided BCPL with $69,400 GPR per year for vacant positions, but it was rejected by the Committee, 4-12. 

Investment and Land Management Expenses: The Committee voted 12-4 to approve the Governor’s proposal to provide BCPL with an additional $65,000 per year for supplies and services. BCPL's expanded investment authority has incurred additional costs for due diligence reporting, investment accounting, and legal work related to new investments. In 2021-22, BCPL expended 98.5% of its supplies and services budget.

Forester Position: The Committee voted 12-4 to provide $52,200 SEG in 2023-24 and $69,500 SEG for 1 forester position to be funded by the conservation fund instead of GPR. The Governor’s budget provided the same amount of funding but through GPR instead of SEG revenue. BCPL's two current forester positions are responsible for managing 77,845 acres. BCPL staff say that the additional position will increase timber harvest revenues for the school trust funds.

State Treasurer 

Increased Resources for the Office: The Committee rejected a motion by Democrats to provide $52,200 in 2023-24 and $69,600 in 2024-25 to create an office manager position. The Office of the State Treasurer has operated with 1.0 position (the State Treasurer) since 2015. The Committee took no other action on the State Treasurer budget, so the office will continue at base (current) funding and staffing levels. 

Educational Communications Board

Vacant Position Elimination: The Committee voted 12-4 to eliminate 2.68 PR positions that have been vacant for 24 months or more.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

PSC to Host Statewide Internet for All Listening Tour

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is holding several listening sessions around the state to help develop the state 5-year Action Plan and state Digital Equity Plan. 

Wisconsin could expect an allocation of $800 million to $1.1 billion to implement the state’s five-year action plan for broadband and approximately $25 million to implement the state’s Digital Equity Plan under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s ‘Internet for All’ programs. 

Visit the Event website for full listening session details: 

Monday, May 8 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM UW-Stout Memorial Student Center (302 10 th Ave E, Menomonie, WI 54751) In partnership with Momentum West 

Tuesday, May 9 | 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Seven Winds Casino Lodge & Event Center (13767 W County Road B, Hayward, WI 54843) In partnership with Visions Northwest 

Tuesday, May 9 | 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM Pines Event Center (5840 Forest Ln, Rhinelander, WI 54501) In partnership with Grow North 

Tuesday, May 9 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Milwaukee 7 Office (301 W Wisconsin Ave, Ste 220, Milwaukee, WI 53203) In partnership with Milwaukee 7 

Monday, May 15 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM La Crosse Public Library Auditorium (800 Main St, La Crosse, WI 54601) In partnership with 7 Rivers Alliance 

Friday, May 19 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Fox Valley Technical College – Appleton Campus (1825 N Bluemound Dr, Appleton, WI 54912) In partnership with New North 

Monday, May 22 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Virtual meeting on zoom 

Tuesday, May 23 | 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Madison College Truax Gateway/Welcome Center (1701 Wright St., Madison, WI 53704) In partnership with Madison Region Economic Partnership 

Tuesday, May 23 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Platteville Public Library (225 W Main St, Platteville, WI 53818) In partnership with Prosperity Southwest 

Thursday, June 1 | 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Mid-State Technical College – Wisconsin Rapids Campus (502 32 nd St N, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494) In partnership with Centergy 

Tuesday, June 6, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Virtual meeting on zoom

Budget Committee Voting on BCPL Budget May 4!

The Joint Finance Committee, the Legislature's budget-writing committee, is voting on the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands budget on Thursday, May 4 at 11 a.m. The Joint Finance Committee has the option to approve the BCPL funding increases proposed by the Governor, provide lower increases than what was proposed by the Governor, or remove the increases from the budget entirely. 


WEMTA members can contact their state senators and state representatives before May 4 and ask them to support Alternatives A1 and B1 in LFB Paper #205, which will provide a total increase of $268,800 over the biennium to BCPL to help hire vacant positions and keep up with the costs of managing the Common School Fund.


The funding increases proposed by the Governor would provide $69,400 per year to hire a Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands and a senior accountant, and $65,000 per year to keep up with trust fund management costs. 


Here are Some Talking Points You can Use:


  • The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL) is incredibly important to school libraries. BCPL manages the Common School Fund, the only dedicated source of K-12 school library funding in Wisconsin. 
  • BCPL needs increased funding to offer the compensation necessary to attract candidates for vacant agency positions, including a Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands and senior accountant.  It is incredibly important to fill these key positions, which help administer and oversee the investment of the $1.4 billion school trust fund. 
  • BCPL indicates that without increased funding for positions, existing agency employees will likely need to take on additional work and to postpone certain job tasks such as developing due diligence reports on new investments and managing certain fund investments. 
  • BCPL gained expanded investment authority in 2016, which has allowed them to diversify and expand their investments, directly benefiting the Common School Fund, which has produced record disbursements to school libraries over the past several years. Increased supplies and services funding is needed to accompany the expanded investment activities.  
  • A strong BCPL means a strong Common School Fund. Investing in the agency is an investment in school libraries. 

How to Contact Your Legislators:


The first step in contacting your legislator is knowing who your legislator is. The easiest way to do this is the tool found on the Legislature’s home page, at In the right-hand side of that page is a link that says Find My Legislators!  Type your address in the box below that link to get the names of your state representative and senator.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

JFC to Remove Over 500 Items from the Governor's Budget on May 2

The Joint Finance Committee announced Friday that they will begin voting on the Governor's budget on May 2. At that time, they will remove over 500 items from the budget bill (see items of interest to WEMTA below).

Items of interest to WEMTA that are being removed from the budget on May 2 include:

1. Broadband consumer protections 

2. Rehired annuitants 

3. Grow-Your-Own Educator Funding

4.  $50,000 stipends for individuals pursuing a degree in library science and completing an internship in a public library. 

5. Broadband line extension grant program and Digital Equity Program 

6. Additional resources for the Office of Secretary of State 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Don't Forget to Vote Tuesday, April 4!

Wisconsin's Spring Election is being held Tuesday, April 4! The main statewide race is for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, but there are also several statewide ballot questions related to bail and public benefit reform. There are many local races across the state for school board, mayor, city council and other judicial positions. 

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Registering at the Polls: You can register at the polls on Election Day. You will need to bring proof of residence with you. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Attend a Budget Public Hearing to Speak about School Library Issues

Governor Evers introduced his state budget bill on February 15, 2023, and it is now before the Legislature's Joint Finance Committee. The Committee will hold four public hearings across the state during April to get feedback from Wisconsinites. 

These hearings help the Committee make decisions about what proposed budget items to maintain, modify or remove--they can also add their own proposals to the budget bill. 

WEMTA encourages our members to attend a hearing to discuss issues facing school libraries. This is a great opportunity to not only advocate but also educate lawmakers on the role school libraries play in education. 

We have created a budget hearing toolkit to help you prepare to testify, which also outlines WEMTA's budget priorities.  

Hearing Schedule 

April 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Waukesha County Expo Center

April 11, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.--UW Eau Claire Davies Student Center

April 12, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.-- Wilderness Report (Glacier Canyon Conference Center) Wisconsin Dells

April 26, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Lakeland Union High School Theatre Minocqua 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Pupil Access to Harmful Materials in Library Databases Bill Introduced in Wisconsin

Senator Andre Jacque (R-De Pere) and Representative Paul Tittl (R-Manitowoc) have introduced Senate Bill 10, which requires public libraries and schools to take steps to limit student access to harmful materials in library databases. It would also require schools to notify parents about classroom materials that may be offensive. 

In a memo to legislative colleagues, the bill authors argue that the legislation is needed because "children are being exposed to sexually explicit and psychologically damaging material through library databases via innocent books searches."

The bill requires public libraries and schools to do one of the following:

1. Equip each computer to which a pupil or minor has access with software

that will limit the pupil's or minor's ability to gain access to harmful material.

2.  Purchase Internet connectivity for each computer to which a pupil or minor

has access from an Internet service provider that provides filter services to limit

access to harmful material.

3. Develop and implement by January 1, 2024, a policy that establishes

measures to restrict pupils and minors from gaining computer access to harmful


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Governor Evers to Propose $50,000 in Funding for School Library Interns in State Budget

Governor Evers delivered his fifth State of the State address on Tuesday evening before a joint session of the Legislature. You can read a copy of the address here or watch it here

During the address, Evers highlighted the following initiatives he plans to undertake in his 2023-25 state budget, which will be released on February 15, 2023. Included in his priorities related to workforce, is a $50,000 proposal to provide stipends to school library interns.

Full initiatives of interest to WEMTA can be found below.

Education and Student Mental Health 

  • Historic investments in education, including $20 million for literacy-related programming

  • $50,000 for stipends for school library interns

  • Making it easier for schools to hire retired teachers and staff 

  • $9.4 million for stipends for student teachers and interns  

  • $5 million for "grow your own" initiatives to recruit teachers

  • $2 million to provide stipends for teachers who oversee student teachers or interns

  • $270 million for student mental health