Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Assembly Republicans Considering School Choice Changes; Senate Opposed

We learned earlier this week that Assembly Republicans are considering increasing the income eligibility limit for the statewide school choice program from 185% of the Federal Poverty Level to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. In addition, they are thinking about modifying the enrollment cap on the statewide school choice program. Currently, no more than 2% of any school district’s students can participate in the program. Legislators are said to be considering changing the district-by-district cap on enrollment to a statewide cap on enrollment.

However, the Wisconsin State Journal reports that Senate Republican leaders oppose the changes. 

The Joint Finance Committee has not met since June 15, and it unclear when they will re-convene. There continues to be a deep divide between the Assembly and Senate on how to address transportation and education funding issues. 

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